Tag: <span>genre: romance</span>

This is a really forgettable film with a standard premise and below average execution. 3/10


I applaud The Exchange for all that it is, but I can’t honestly write that the movie was amazing or particularly innovative. It’s just a high school romance. 5.6/10


Bye Bye Blondie isn’t awful by any means. But it’s also not good enough for me to call it good. 4.6/10


This isn’t just fluff of no nutritional value. There’s depth and drama to this teen romance too. 7.3/10


Is With a Kiss I Die a good movie? Of course not! Look at that plot summary! But this film brought me so much joy. 4.4/10


Most Netflix movies are a frequently bland product devoid of risk. And that’s Happy Ending’s depiction of queerness.


Not once did I even smile watching Idle Thoughts. It was irritating more than anything. I can’t call this a successful project in any way. 3.1/10


This is an overall middling movie. It’s competent, polished and had enough budget to tell its story. But the story it tells isn’t anything remotely new. 5.7/10


perhaps because I’m already a fan of her output, We Are Gamily fell short of my high expectations for a Zero Chou film. 4.7/10

