With everything that’s happening right now it’s not exactly the time for a movie such as this. But as has become apparent to me, it is never gonna be the time for this. And I fear that Kiss Me Kosher only gets less funny as time goes on. 5.0/10
Tag: <span>language: hebrew</span>
Two has good directing, acting, and a solid first hour. However, the rushed final act keeps the film from being something I can call overall good. 5.6/10
The Secrets is a complex and emotional film. It is one of the best WLW films I’ve seen. Great writing and great performances make this an engaging, exceptional film. 9.2/10
At no point did Round Trip take these ordinary characters and turn them or the movie they inhabit into something extraordinary.
lush walks a line between grounding this movie in its country of origin while also showing the universality of many things the main character experiences. 6.9/10
It made me a little sad to watch this movie because I really wanted to like this movie and it was trying its hardest. Sadly, for as hard as Joe + Belle tried, it didn’t succeed on any level. 3.4/10