Month: <span>February 2020</span>

Overall, Lovesong is a really solid little movie. I can’t imagine it will be anyone’s favourite WLW film but it’s also fairly free of overt flaws. 6.6/10


The Chambermaid Lynn wants two things. It desperately wants to be Amelie. It also wants you to take it completely seriously. Those two wants are directly contradictory. 5.2/10



Like any subgenre, there are good films and bad ones. The Gymnast isn’t really either. It’s a pretty middling movie overall. 6.0/10


Not only did I cry at Two of Us but the stranger to my right and the stranger to my left in the theatre did as well. You probably will too. 9.4/10



Saying that Summer Lover is like a bad soap opera would be an insult to bad soap operas. 2.6/10


A Perfect Ending is a well-performed drama with enough intelligence and talent to portray topics of WLW sexuality and death without falling into one of the many pitfalls both those plots have. 7.6/10


Yes or No 2: Come Back To Me is just one cliche after another, whether that be romance cliches or overused jokes. I found it charming in the first movie but this time around, I did not.


Appropriate Behavior is one of the best WLW comedies I’ve seen in a while. It’s also one of the best WLW comedies full stop. 9/10
