- About Cherry
- Adan
- Addicted to Fresno
- Adored, the
- Aerialist, the
- Affair, the
- Affinity
- After Blue
- Afternoon Breezes
- Aimée & Jaguar
- Air
- Alena
- All About E
- All About Love
- All About Them
- All Cheerleaders Die
- All Over Me
- All Shall Be Well
- Along Came Wanda
- Allure
- Almost Adults
- Alto
- Alucarda
- Am I Ok?
- Ammonite
- Amorous Woman of Tang Dynasty, an
- Amuck
- Ana and Vitória
- Anaïs in Love
- Anatomy of a Love Seen
- Anchor and Hope
- And Breathe Normally
- And Then Came Lola
- Anne+
- Aniara
- Another Way
- Appropriate Behaviour
- April’s Shower
- Archer, the
- Ashamed
- Attachment
- Atomic Blonde
- August at Twenty-Two
- Ava’s Impossible Things
- Awol
- Axolotl Overkill
- Baby Jane
- Backspot
- Bad Girl
- Bad Things
- Badhaai Do
- Baja Come Down
- Bandaged
- Bar Girls
- Bare
- Battle of the Sexes
- Beauty
- Becks
- Before We Grow Old
- Beguines, the
- Behind Closed Doors
- Below Her Mouth
- Beanpole
- Benedetta
- Berlin Affair, the
- Bessie
- Better Than Chocolate
- Between The Seasons
- Between Them
- Between Two Women
- Between Us
- Beyond Love
- Beyond the Hills
- Beyond the Walls
- BFFs
- Big Dreams in Little Hope
- Billie and Emma
- Bit
- Bitch Slap
- Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant, the
- Black Cobra Woman
- Blood of the Tribades
- Blood Spattered Bride, the
- Bloodthirsty
- Bloomington
- Blue is the Warmest Color
- Blue
- Blue Gate Crossing
- Blue Jean
- Blue Rita
- Blush
- Bobbie’s Girl
- Bodies Bodies Bodies
- Body of Deceit
- Bonnie & Bonnie
- Book of Gabrielle, the
- Book of Monsters
- Booksmart
- Bottoms
- Bound
- Boy Meets Girl
- Breaking the Girls
- Brides To Be
- Bumblefuck, USA
- Burn Burn Burn
- But I’m a Cheerleader
- Butch Jamie
- Butterfly
- Butterfly Crush
- Butterfly Kiss
- By Design
- Bye Bye Blondie
- Camila Comes Out Tonight
- Can You Ever Forgive Me?
- Capital I
- Caribbean Papaya
- Carmen and Lola
- Carmilla (2020)
- Carmilla Movie, the
- Carol
- Castaways
- Catamaran
- Catfight
- Chambermaid, the
- Chambermaid Lynn, the
- Chedeng and Apple
- Cheeky
- Chestnut
- Children’s Hour, the
- Chinese Botanist’s Daughters, the
- Chinese Chocolate
- Chloe
- Christabel
- Christmas at the Ranch
- Chuck Chuck Baby
- Chutney Popcorn
- Circumstance
- City of Trees
- Claire of the Moon
- Clara’s Summer
- Clementine
- Cloudburst
- Cocoon
- Color Purple, the
- Comets
- Coming Home For Christmas
- Coming of Sin, the
- Coming Out
- Competitor, the
- Compulsion (2013)
- Compulsion (2018)
- Concrete Blondes
- Concussion
- Contracted
- Cora Bora
- Corruption, the
- Countess, the
- Cracks
- Crush
- Cuckoo
- D.E.B.S
- Daddy Issues
- Dancer, the
- Daphne
- Dark
- Dark Beacon
- Date For Mad Mary, a
- Dating Amber
- Daughter of Dracula
- Daughters of Darkness
- Daughters of Fire
- Days of Happiness
- Dear Leo
- Dead Earth
- Dead Woman’s Hollow
- Deadly Illusions
- Desert Hearts
- Devil’s Cove
- Devil’s Plaything, the
- Devotion
- Disobedience
- Divide, the
- Do I Love You?
- Do Revenge
- Don’t Look at Me That Way
- Drive-Away Dolls
- Drool
- Duck Butter
- Duke of Burgundy, the
- Dyke Hard
- Echo Game, the
- Eiffel Tower Mystery, the
- Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga
- Elena Undone
- Elisa and Marcela
- Ellie and Abbie (and Ellie’s Dead Aunt)
- Eloise
- Elvis & Madonna
- Emilia Pérez
- Emilienne
- Erin’s Guide to Kissing Girls
- Escape, the
- Eva + Candela
- Even Cowgirls Get the Blues
- Everything Relative
- Everything Will Be Fine
- Exchange, the
- Fallout, the
- Family Affair, a
- Fantasy of the Girls
- Farewell Song
- Fascination
- Fatal Frame
- Favourite, the
- Fear of Water
- Fear Street Part 1: 1994
- Fear Street Part 3: 1666
- Feels, the
- Female Perversions
- Final Girl, the
- Finale
- Finding the Adolescence
- Fine Dead Girls
- Fire
- Firefly, the
- First Girl I Loved
- First Girl I Loved, the (2019)
- Fish and Elephant
- Fish Child, the
- Fishnet
- Five Devils, the
- Floating!
- Foreign Language
- Forgotten Roads
- Four Minutes
- Four-Faced Liar, the
- Frauensee
- Freeheld
- Freelancers Anonymous
- Freeway 2: Confessions of a Trick Baby
- French Twist
- Fresh Kill
- Frida
- Gasoline
- Ghosted
- Ghosts
- Gia
- Gigola
- Girl, the
- Girl and the Spider, the
- Girl at my Door, a
- Girl Gets Girl
- Girl in the Spider’s Web, the
- Girl King, the
- Girl Picture
- Girl Play
- Girl Slaves of Morgana Le Fay
- Girl With Hyacinths
- Girl/Girl Scene- The Movie
- Girl’s Blood
- Girlfriend
- Girls Like Magic
- Girls on Film
- Girltrash: All Night Long
- Go Fish
- Goldfish Memory
- Good Kisser
- Good Manners
- Grandma
- Gray Matters
- Great Swindle, the
- Green Night
- Gridiron Grind
- Ground Beneath My Feet, the
- Guardami
- Guest House, the
- Gunpowder Heart
- Gymnast, the
- Half of It, the
- Handmaiden, the
- Hannah Free
- Happiest Season
- Happy End
- Happy Ending
- Hardcore
- Harmony
- Heartbeast
- Heartland
- Hearts Beat Loud
- Heatwave
- Heavenly Creatures
- Heiresses, the
- Helga, She Wolf of Stilberg
- Henry & June
- Her Side of the Bed
- Heterosexual Jill
- High Art
- Hilma
- Holiday I Do, a
- Holy Camp!
- Hours, the
- House of Hummingbird
- Housekeeping for Beginners
- How To Seduce a Virgin
- Hunger, the
- I Can’t Think Straight
- I Care A Lot
- I Hate New Year’s
- I, Olga Hepnarova
- I, The Worst of All
- I’ve Heard the Mermaids Singing
- If These Walls Could Talk 2
- Imagine Me & You
- In My End is My Beginning
- Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love, the
- Idle Thoughts
- Inescapable
- Intentions
- Intimate Friendship, an
- Intimates
- Invisible Mother, the
- Invisible Woman, the
- Island of the Swedish Girls
- It’s in the Water
- Itty Bitty Bitty Committee
- Jack & Diane
- Jagged Mind
- Jailbait
- Je Tu Il Elle
- Jenny’s Wedding
- Joe + Belle
- Johnny Greyeyes
- Journey, the
- Jules of Light and Dark
- Julie Johnson
- Just the Two of Us
- Ladies Almanack, the
- Last Conception, the
- Last Thing Mary Saw, the
- Late Bloomers
- Laurence Anyways
- Leading Ladies (2021)
- Les Biches
- Lesbian August
- Let’s Love Hong Kong
- Let’s Meet Halfway
- Lez Bomb
- Lianna
- Liberty’s Secret
- Life Blood
- Life Partners
- Light Light Light
- Light Touch, the
- Listen
- Liz in September
- Lizzie
- Liquid Sky
- Lockdown Lovers
- Losing Chase
- Loss Prevention
- Lost and Delirious
- Louise and Her Lover
- Love is a Map
- Love is Not Perfect
- Love Island
- Love Lies Bleeding
- Love My Life
- Love Sick
- Love, Spells and All That
- Love’s Lone Flower
- Love/Juice
- Lovesong
- Loving Annabelle
- Luxurious Bone
- Ma Belle, My Beauty
- Madame X: An Absolute Ruler
- Madchen in Uniform (1931)
- Madchen in Uniform (1958)
- Maggie and Annie
- Maja Ma
- Make a Wish
- Make Up (2020)
- Mango Kiss
- Manji (1964)
- Manji (1983)
- Mansion of the Living Dead
- Maple Palm
- Margarita with a Straw
- Marine Story, a
- Marinette
- Mater
- Matsumoto Seicho Special: Yubi
- May
- Maybe Tomorrow
- Me, Myself and Her
- Memento Mori
- Men Not Allowed
- Miao Miao
- Midwife’s Tale, the
- Misandrists, the
- Miseducation of Cameron Post, the
- Mixed Messages
- Mom + Mom
- Monkey’s Mask, the
- Monster
- Monstrous
- Moonlit Winter
- More Than Friends
- Mother May I Sleep With Danger?
- Mountain, the
- Mulholland Dr.
- Murderous Maids
- Muriel’s Parents are Desperate
- Murmur of Youth
- My Animal
- My First Summer
- My Normal
- My Old Ass
- My Summer of Love
- Naanu Ladies
- Nadja
- Navidad
- Ned’s Project
- New York Christmas Wedding, a
- Night Comes On
- Night Fangs
- Night Watch, the
- Nightmare Gallery, the
- Nina
- Nina’s Heavenly Delights
- Novice, the
- Nude Area
- Nun and the Devil, the
- Nyad
- Objects of Love, the
- Of Girls and Horses
- Olivia
- One in a Thousand
- Origin of Evil, the
- Others, the
- Out at the Wedding
- Out of Season
- Out of the Blue
- Over Easy
- Palitan
- Parallel Mothers
- Pariah
- Passion
- Perfect Ending, a
- Perfection, the
- Perfume of Memory, the
- Personal Best
- Petit Mal
- Piece of Our Life, a
- Pimp
- Pirate, the
- Porcupine Lake
- Portrait of a Lady on Fire
- Prey
- Prey for Rock & Roll
- Princess Cyd
- Producing Adults
- Professor Marston and the Wonder Women
- Puccini for Beginners
- Purple Sea
- Rafiki
- Rara
- Reaching For the Moon
- Red Cow
- Reform School Girl
- Rent
- Replay
- Retreat, the
- Revoir Julie
- Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Movie
- Ride or Die
- Ring Thing, the
- Riot Girls
- Road of Bygones
- Rome & Juliet
- Rookie
- Room in Rome
- Round Trip (2003)
- Ruby Fruit
- Running on Empty Dreams
- Russian Doll
- S&M Sally
- Salamander
- Salmonberries
- Same But Different: A True New Zealand Love Story
- Sand Dollars
- Saving Face
- Schoolgirl Complex
- Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister, the
- Secrets, the
- Seed, the
- Seeking Dolly Parton
- Serving in Silence: The Margarethe Cammermeyer Story
- Set Me Free
- Seventeen
- Sévigné
- Sex Monster, the
- Shady
- She Monkeys
- She Must Be Seeing Things
- She: Their Love Story
- Shelter Me
- Shiva Baby
- Show Me Love
- Signature Move
- Silver Haze
- Sinful
- Sinner: The Secret Diary of a Nymphomaniac
- Sister My Sister
- Sister Sister
- Sisters, the
- Sisters of the Plague
- Skin Deep
- Slave, the
- Slaves to the Underground
- Sleepover, the
- Snapshots
- So Close
- So Damn Easy Going
- So Hard to Forget
- So My Grandma’s a Lesbian
- Sonja
- Soongava: Dance of the Orchids
- Spider Lilies
- Splendid Isolation
- Spring
- Starting Over
- Strange Frame: Love and Sax
- Stroking an Animal
- Stud Life
- Stuff
- Stupid For You
- Styria
- Submerge
- Substitute, the
- Suddenly
- Sugar Cookies
- Suicide Kale
- Summer
- Summer Lover
- Summer of Sangaile, the
- Summerland
- Summertime
- Supernova
- Surrender
- Sweet Journey, a
- Sweet, Sweet Lonely Girl
- Sweetheart
- Sword of Trust
- Swordsman III: The East is Red
- Sympathy Card, the
- T-Bird at Ako
- Tahara
- Take a Deep Breath
- Take Me For a Ride
- Taste of Flesh, a
- Teenage Cocktail
- Tell it to the Bees
- That Tender Touch
- Theresa and Allison
- Therese and Isabelle
- Thelma
- Thick
- This Place
- Threesome Affair
- Through the Glass Darkly
- Tick Tock Lullaby
- To Each Her Own (2018)
- To Kill the Beast
- Topless
- Touch
- Tove
- Truth About Jane, the
- Twilight Girls, the
- Two
- Two Dash One One
- Two Mothers
- Two Mothers For Zachary
- Two of Us
- Valley of a Thousand Hills
- Vampire Lovers, the
- Vampyres (1974)
- Vampyres (2015)
- Vampyros Lesbos
- The Venus Effect
- Verónica
- Vic + Flo Saw a Bear
- Village Affair, A
- Violette
- Virgin Machine
- Vita & Virginia
- Vivere
- Walk With Me
- War Widow, the
- Water Lilies
- Watermelon Woman, the
- We Are Gamily
- We Are Wolves
- We Will Never Belong
- Welcome to the USA
- West North West
- What It Was
- What Keeps You Alive
- What’s Up, Scarlet?
- When Kiran Met Karen
- When Night is Falling
- When Time Got Louder
- White Book, the
- White Lie
- Who Am I Now?
- Who’s Afraid of Vagina Wolf?
- Wife Alone, a
- Wild Nights with Emily
- Wild Side
- Wild Things: Diamonds in the Rough
- Winepires: Blood Toll
- With a Kiss I Die
- Without
- A Woman Like Eve
- Women and Sometimes Men
- Women Who Kill
- World to Come, the
- World Unseen, the
- Yes or No
- Yes or No 2: Come Back to Me
- Yes or No 2.5
- You and I
- You Can Live Forever
- You, Me and Him
- You Will Be Mine
- You’re Not Supposed to Be Here
- Young and Dangerous: Portland Street Blues
- Young and Wild